Can pages be rearranged/merged automatically to restore odd even sequence after one-sided scans of double sided documents

i scan pdf format documents deteriorating badly.  these documents printed on both sides , there lots of them.  stack of documents can placed in regular feeder scanner 1 side of documents scanned @ 1 time.  turn stack upside down , scan other side.  leave me grouping of odd pages pages of documents pdf, , grouping of pages.  how rearrange/merge pages appear normal sequence of odd-even in pdf? thanks.

adobe acrobat you.


from acrobat help:


you can scan both sides of pages on scanners not support two-sided scanning. when both sides selected, dialog box appears after first sides scanned. can reverse original paper documents in tray, select scan reverse side (put reverse of sheets) option in dialog box, , click ok scan sides of paper pages. produces pdf pages in proper sequence.

More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only)



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