How to change the "read more" text? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

does know how edit this?

stick me here, brain little fried one...

assuming have found advanced parameter article can add text want appear not using beez template it's not appearing...

hunt down following file in end start...

somewhere around line line 108

code: select all

<?php if ($this->item->params->get('show_readmore') && $this->item->readmore) : ?>

in php statement you'll notice (or can trust me) there 'else' statement compared other templates.

now i'm getting questionable territory...

i use ja_purity template on site thankfully have done fair bit of tweaking , there file in template relates location mentioned above...

so took entire php statement , replaced standard 1 in ja_purity template 1 beez template.

to change read me text on section , category blogs same files...

let me send out appropriate 'thanks love work' creators of beez template yelling loud , long nice little piece of accessibility joomla. hope others follow example.



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