MySQL: Duplicate entry '1' and Query:INSERT INTO jos_menu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

if getting errors during migration associated this, try these steps:

1. redo installation
2. in step 4 (database) select drop table in advanced
3. click next
4. go phpmyadmin , truncate jos_menu table (empty it)
5. finish installation/migration

these solutions gleaned other posts in forum here, have reposted solution aid people searching.

i did trial migration today 1.0.15 1.5.2
the trial on local pc, on had wampserver running.

i had duplicate entry error tables jos_menu , jos_modules. when truncated tables, error disappeared, kept getting other errors in sql like: "insert josjos_migrationjos_backlinks....." , looked _ replaced jos_. similar problem like:

installation scratch did not help. booted pc , ... worked without truncating tables.


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