Controlling NEMA 34 motor, for audio indexing system
i still working on audio indexing system, punching machine making school. using accelstepper ramp up/down stepper motor. have done alot of work accelstepper, in getting bit of code move motor forward , back
next, in order operator interface system, , system move motor , forth discrete distances, need come interface/control system. decided use sanwa buttons, have been used quite bit, , able figure bit of code out. problem being, when incorporate 2 bits of code, control system works, arduino isn't giving required output signal motor. code below. very, appreciated.
i still working on audio indexing system, punching machine making school. using accelstepper ramp up/down stepper motor. have done alot of work accelstepper, in getting bit of code move motor forward , back
code: [select]
int movemobilecylinderforward( float distanceininches )
long stepstomove = distanceininches*stepsperinch;
long deccel_step = stepstomove-1000;
//move forward
while (stepper.currentposition() != deccel_step) // full speed 300
stepper.stop(); // stop fast possible: sets new target
// stopped after quickstop
int movemobilecylinderbackward( float distanceininches )
long stepstomove = distanceininches*stepsperinch;
long deccel_step = stepstomove-1000;
//move forward
stepper.moveto(-stepstomove); // negative because moving backwards
while (stepper.currentposition() != 0) // full speed 0
stepper.stop(); // stop fast possible: sets new target
next, in order operator interface system, , system move motor , forth discrete distances, need come interface/control system. decided use sanwa buttons, have been used quite bit, , able figure bit of code out. problem being, when incorporate 2 bits of code, control system works, arduino isn't giving required output signal motor. code below. very, appreciated.
here full code, forgot put on post:
code: [select]
// "select" button allows user select profile punch.
// "start" button starts punching profile (or pauses machine if punching).
// "reset" button lets user tell machine workpiece has been removed.
#include "accelstepper.h" //use "" , no <>, b/c accelstepper librabry defined
class pneumaticclamp
int mypin;
// constructor
pneumaticclamp( int pin )
mypin = pin;
void clamp()
digitalwrite( mypin, high );
void unclamp()
digitalwrite( mypin, low );
class punch
int mypin;
// constructor
punch( int pin )
mypin = pin;
void punchhole()
digitalwrite( mypin, high );
delay( 1000 ); // give time punch through material
digitalwrite( mypin, low );
//board stuff
const int serialbaudrate = 9600; // [bps]
const int onetimestep = 33; // smallest timestep in milliseconds
//pin assignments
const int selectbuttonpin = 2; // number of pin connected "select" button
const int startbuttonpin = 3; // number of pin connected "start" button
const int resetbuttonpin = 4; // number of pin connected "start" button
const int mechstoppins[] = { 10, 11, 12, 13 };
const int mobileclamppin = 8;
const int staticclamppin = 9;
const int alertpin = 6;
const int punchpin = 7;
//constants motor movement
float stepsperinch = 2272.727;
//profile checking
bool punchingaprofile = false;
bool workpieceneedstoberemoved = false;
bool selectisdown = false;
bool selectwasdown = false;
bool selectfreshlyup = false;
bool startisdown = false;
bool startwasdown = false;
bool startfreshlyup = false;
bool resetisdown = false;
bool resetwasdown = false;
bool resetfreshlyup = false;
const int numdistancesperprofile = 21;
//hole patterns, in inches
float distancebetweenconsecutiveholes[ 4 ][ numdistancesperprofile ] = {
{ 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 0, 0, 0,0 }, //is-8-bottom rail
{ 4.000, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 5.333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0 }, //is-6-bottom rail
{ 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364}, //il-8-botoom rail
{ 3.273, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 4.364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} //il-6-bottom rail
}; // list of intervals between consecutive holes each profile. if 0, means there no next hole.
int chosenprofile = 0; // 0: 6s, 1: 6l, 2: 8s, 3: 8l
pneumaticclamp mobileclamp( mobileclamppin );
pneumaticclamp staticclamp( staticclamppin );
punch unicyl( punchpin );
//stepper motor intilization, accel stepper
accelstepper stepper(1,0,1); //pin 9 =pluse, pin 8=direction
void setup()
pinmode( mechstoppins[0], output );
pinmode( mechstoppins[1], output );
pinmode( mechstoppins[2], output );
pinmode( mechstoppins[3], output );
pinmode( mobileclamppin, output );
pinmode( punchpin, output);
pinmode( staticclamppin, output );
pinmode( alertpin, output );
pinmode( selectbuttonpin, input );
pinmode( startbuttonpin, input );
pinmode( resetbuttonpin, input );
serial.begin( serialbaudrate );
//for stepper motor control
stepper.setmaxspeed(2000); //in steps per second
stepper.setacceleration(1400); //in steps per second
void loop()
selectisdown = digitalread( selectbuttonpin );
startisdown = digitalread( startbuttonpin );
resetisdown = digitalread( resetbuttonpin );
if ( selectwasdown && !selectisdown ){ selectfreshlyup = true; }
if ( startwasdown && !startisdown ){ startfreshlyup = true; }
if ( resetwasdown && !resetisdown ){ resetfreshlyup = true; }
digitalwrite( mechstoppins[0], low );
digitalwrite( mechstoppins[1], low );
digitalwrite( mechstoppins[2], low );
digitalwrite( mechstoppins[3], low );
if ( punchingaprofile ){
// if punching profile
punchingaprofile = false;
workpieceneedstoberemoved = true;
digitalwrite( alertpin, high );
// if not punching profile
if ( workpieceneedstoberemoved )
//see if reset button freshly pressed , if so, set variable false.
if ( resetfreshlyup ){
workpieceneedstoberemoved = false;
digitalwrite( alertpin, low );
if ( selectfreshlyup ){
if ( chosenprofile == 3 ){
chosenprofile = 0;
else{ chosenprofile++;
if ( startfreshlyup ){
// switch "punching profile" mode
punchingaprofile = true;
digitalwrite( mechstoppins[ chosenprofile ], high );
selectwasdown = selectisdown;
startwasdown = startisdown;
resetwasdown = resetisdown;
startfreshlyup = false;
selectfreshlyup = false;
resetfreshlyup = false;
delay( onetimestep );
void punchprofile()
delay( 2000 ); // give clamps time clamp securely
for (int i=0; < numdistancesperprofile; i++){
int distancetomove = distancebetweenconsecutiveholes[ chosenprofile ][ ];
if ( distancetomove != 0 )
moveworkpieceforward( distancetomove );
void moveworkpieceforward( int distancetomove )
//serial.print( "moving workpiece " );
//serial.print( distancetomove );
serial.print( "mclamp -> " );
serial.print( distancetomove );
movemobilecylinderforward(distancetomove); //moving forward
serial.print( ". " );
delay( 1000*distancetomove ); // remove
serial.print( "mclamp <- " );
serial.print( distancetomove );
movemobilecylinderbackward(distancetomove ); //moving backward
serial.print( ". " );
delay( 1000*distancetomove ); //remove
delay(2000); //remove
int movemobilecylinderforward( float distanceininches )
long stepstomove = distanceininches*stepsperinch;
long deccel_step = stepstomove-1000;
//move forward
while (stepper.currentposition() != deccel_step) // full speed 300
stepper.stop(); // stop fast possible: sets new target
// stopped after quickstop
int movemobilecylinderbackward( float distanceininches )
long stepstomove = distanceininches*stepsperinch;
long deccel_step = stepstomove-1000;
//move forward
stepper.moveto(-stepstomove); // negative because moving backwards
while (stepper.currentposition() != 0) // full speed 0
stepper.stop(); // stop fast possible: sets new target
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Controlling NEMA 34 motor, for audio indexing system
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