another escape the room question.

i'm working on placing objects around room, in inventory. when player clicks on object in room, want instance of object disappear, , instance of object in inventory appear.  right now, i'm trying make objects in inventory disappear.  here's code i'm using:



var squarelocated:string;

squarelocated = "hidden";

square2_mc.displayobject.visible = false;


var ovallocated:string;

ovallocated = "hidden";

oval2_mc.displayobject.visible = false;


var circlelocated:string;

circlelocated = "hidden";

circle2_mc.displayobject.visible = false;

but i'm getting following output error messages:
typeerror: error #1010: term undefined , has no properties.
at escapegametutorialnew_fla::maintimeline/frame1()
typeerror: error #1010: term undefined , has no properties.
at escapegametutorialnew_fla::maintimeline/frame1()
at flash.display::movieclip/gotoandplay()
at escapegametutorialnew_fla::maintimeline/startmovie4()
thanks in advance!  , sorry simple questions, i'm working off tutorial based off of actionscript 2.

i don't think want displayobject in middle of each line have it.  if square2_mc instance needs invisible, need specify square2_mc.visible = false.


also, instead of string value located variables, might consider using boolean type, can evaluated true or false.  , may need use visible property well, mean don't need located ones.  i'm saying while being blind design.

More discussions in ActionScript 3



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