Lost on video

i have bunch of videos display, , url video generated dynamically in html page.  i've been using as2 no problems quite time, want ability use full screen video i'm trying build quick , dirty player in as3.


can tell me how replace source video (video.mp4 in code below), variable generated in html page called "videourl"?  have been passing using flashvars, i'm having no luck @ right now.



the code i'm using far here:


import fl.video.*;


var myvideo:flvplayback = new flvplayback();


myvideo.source = "video.mp4";

myvideo.skin = "skinunderplaystopseekfullvol.swf";

myvideo.skinbackgroundalpha = 0.7;

myvideo.width = 448;

myvideo.height = 336;

myvideo.addeventlistener(videoevent.complete, completeplay);

function completeplay(e:videoevent):void {




what using process flashvars?  it's not handled same in as2.



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