Using Keylight 1.2

after effects cs3 - trying learn how use this.


when did first key absolutely beautiful...nice edges...right out of box.


only problem part of foreground character transparent...therefore, background shows through.


i can't life of me figure out controls twiddle...and i've twiddled number of try , rid of transparency without losing key. docs come keylight pretty sparse , seem imply know how use it.


i've thought putting black background behind her, don't know how make black background , not else.


it seems me there should way create basic matte keylight use on separate black layer?


still new ae trying learn.


any or points links can explain how great.




hi, john.

before anything, if in keylight change view menu "final result" "screen matte", you'll see grayscale representation of matte. in other words, black areas represent full trasparency, white opaque areas, , shades of gray, else (semi-transparency).


you see there gray spots in forgeground. these areas of semi-transparency. need rid of these spots, trying not kill semi-transparency in other areas, or you'll harsh key.


i first raise bit screen gain parameter. don't go higher than, say, 110. general rule, if have move slider much, it's because have else instead

so, after go screen matte section of keylight , you'll see controls "clip black" , "clip white". these analogous input black , input white in levels - force transparent areas become transparent, , near opaque areas become opaque. should trick. again, don't push or you'll loose semi-transparency in hair areas, etc.


let me know if worked.

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