Where is the best place to upload extensions? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

yeah, guessed it, i'm newbie.  have installed joomla fantastico through cpanel , trying figure out file should upload joomla xplorer to.  have installed through site administrator (http://www.mysite.com/administrator) couple of times when upload file (xplorer) pulls of hosting files admin have removed installations.  wondering if should log hosting account , create file under public_html called "mysite" , change path extension uploaded.  when login site administrator , click on components under installers install directory is: /home/doublea/public_html/administrator/components/com_installer/component .  thinking if created file under public_html called "mysite" copy files administrator/components/com_installer/component underneath joomla extensions go place.  site working main site on hosting wanted put joomla explorer somewhere other root directory.  input appreciated.

double a
(the newbie)


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