How To Show The Steps of an Iteration in A3

i did actionscript 3 version of old algorithm made in c language solve  the “tower of hanoi” puzzle.


the problem knew how show intermediary steps in c language don’t know how in actionscript 3.


the below .as file code uses 3 disks of successive bigger diameters ( , different colors ) created movieclips in flash must move first peg third one, through appropriate moves, in such way end piled in same crescent order in first peg.


the way code written shows beginning disks position , end result not intermediary steps.


i want code being capable show successive disks positions on pegs in each step of process, each time right-click mouse.


how ?





          import flash.display.movieclip;



          import flash.text.textfield;

          import flash.utils.*;



          public class thetowerofhanoi extends movieclip




                   private var pegs_num:uint = 3;


                   private var disks_num:uint = 3;


                   private var pegnum:uint;


                   private var pegdiskpos = new array();


                   private var pegdiskcontent = new array();


                   private var disk:array = new array();




                   public function  thetowerofhanoi()



                             for ( var p = 0; p<pegs_num; p++)



                                      pegdiskpos[p] = new array( disks_num);


                                      pegdiskcontent[p] = new array( disks_num);


                                      // set content of disk positions , coordinates of positions

                                      for( var d = 0; d<disks_num; d++)


                                                //adds array of position x , y coordinates

                                                pegdiskpos[p][d] = new array(150+ p*120, 200+d*20);


                                                if( p == 0 )


                                                         pegdiskcontent[p][d] = "" + d;




                                                pegdiskcontent[p][d] = null;

                                                //pegdiskcontent[p][d] = "";




                             disk[0] = new diska();

                             disk[1] = new diskb();

                             disk[2] = new diskc();


                             //put disks in initial position

                             disk[0].x = pegdiskpos[0][0][0];   disk[0].y = pegdiskpos[0][0][1];

                             disk[1].x = pegdiskpos[0][0][0];   disk[1].y = pegdiskpos[0][1][1];

                             disk[2].x = pegdiskpos[0][0][0];   disk[2].y = pegdiskpos[0][2][1];



                             addchild( disk[0]);

                             addchild( disk[1]);

                             addchild( disk[2]);



                             btn.addeventlistener(, shownextstep);




                   public function shownextstep(event:mouseevent):void



                             rearrangedisksinthepegs( disks_num, 0,1,2)




                   public function rearrangedisksinthepegs( lastprocesseddisk:int,  originpeg:uint, dormentpeg:uint, destinationpeg:uint)



                                      if( lastprocesseddisk == 1 )


                                                movedisk( originpeg, destinationpeg);






                                                rearrangedisksinthepegs( lastprocesseddisk-1, originpeg, destinationpeg, dormentpeg );

                                                movedisk( originpeg, destinationpeg);

                                                rearrangedisksinthepegs( lastprocesseddisk-1, dormentpeg, originpeg, destinationpeg );





                   private function movedisk( origin:uint, destination:uint)



                             var i:uint = 0;

                             var j:uint = 0;




                             // looks empty space on top of origin peg

                             while(pegdiskcontent[origin][i] == null && i< disks_num-1) i++;


                             // looks empty space on top of destination peg

                             //while(pegdiskcontent[destination][j] == null && j< disks_num-1) j++;

                             while(pegdiskcontent[destination][j] == null && j< disks_num) j++;


                             // gets real position on the  top of destination peg




                             // tranferes disk origin peg destination peg

                             disk[   parseint( pegdiskcontent[origin][i],10)  ].x = pegdiskpos[destination][j][0];

                             disk[   parseint( pegdiskcontent[origin][i],10)   ].y = pegdiskpos[destination][j][1];


                             pegdiskcontent[destination][j]  = pegdiskcontent[origin][i] ;

                             pegdiskcontent[origin][i]  = null;









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