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Thread: best website to watch the 2010 olympics

any ideas note nbc website not user friendly towards linux

here 1 found

first conan, this...
the 2010 winter olympics kick off in vancouver tonight, , of can’t tied tv every night watch opening , closing ceremonies , competitions, here’s compilation of sites can not watch video highlights of events see pictures, scores, medal counts , news olympics:

1. nbc olympics: nbc, covering olympics on tv, has set site can catch latest scores, news , select video coverage of competitions (powered microsoft silverlight). can see profiles of athletes , streams of tweets athletes on u.s. olympic teams. unfortunately, appears nbc severely limiting streaming of competitions , ceremonies general public, video comprised of short highlights. if cable subscriber, able access 400 hours of live streaming of events, need prove subscribe premium-cable service access full , live videos
anyway, there 8 other options listed in article.

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