Arduino pins aren't enough !
i'm working on project , it's complex ardunio pins aren't enough.
it's hydraulic jcb excavator line follower, @ end of line it's supposed move arm , handle material such sand using hydraulic power, components are:
-2 h bridges l298 (1 front 2 wheels , 1 back, keep in mind each motor takes 3 wires h bridge arduino, meaning 6 in total)
-1 servo motor towerpro mg995 (for moving plate)
-1 qtr-8rc sensor (takes 8 wires if 8 sensors used)
- 3 h bridges l298 (for 3 motors control hydraulic syringes)
and that's pretty it, can see alot of wires used , ardunio doesn't hold much, solution ?
i'm working on project , it's complex ardunio pins aren't enough.
it's hydraulic jcb excavator line follower, @ end of line it's supposed move arm , handle material such sand using hydraulic power, components are:
-2 h bridges l298 (1 front 2 wheels , 1 back, keep in mind each motor takes 3 wires h bridge arduino, meaning 6 in total)
-1 servo motor towerpro mg995 (for moving plate)
-1 qtr-8rc sensor (takes 8 wires if 8 sensors used)
- 3 h bridges l298 (for 3 motors control hydraulic syringes)
and that's pretty it, can see alot of wires used , ardunio doesn't hold much, solution ?
a mega2560.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Arduino pins aren't enough !
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