Preflight inside crop marks

i distilling .ps file quark 8. using acrobat 8 , when open , preflight document using "pdf analysis/document generates more 2 plates" message there 4 plates. acrobat reading info outside crop marks. there way preflight inside crop marks only? have info on cyan , black plates , want make sure there nothing on magenta or yellow. thanks

acrobat 8's preflight not allow limit check content , objects inside crop marks only.


acrobat 9 did add more customization checks , fixes, including ability ignore objects outside of selected page box (the options artbox, trimbox, bleedbox, cropbox , mediabox). however believe check number of plates looking @ file perspective of document whole rather object level, setting won't have impact on result particular check.


is picking on color bars or else?

More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only)



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