Completly wrong ldap.php - who did this file? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support
"if(strlen($this->params->get('username'))) $bindtest = $ldap->bind();"
user should binded if know dn or if binding needed browse ldap. line useless.
"// search users dn
$binddata = $ldap->simple_search(str_replace("[search]", $credentials['username'], $this->params->get('search_string')));"
this line produce nothing. function siple_seach nothing load search string arry, expects ';' , sure not find in string [dn looks 'dc=name,dc=company,dc=com']
"$success = $ldap->bind($binddata[0]['dn'],$credentials['password'],1);"
there nothing $binddata[0]['dn']. $binddata[0]['dn'] empty if not never find inside ['dn'].
what '1'?
user should binded if know dn or if binding needed browse ldap. line useless.
"// search users dn
$binddata = $ldap->simple_search(str_replace("[search]", $credentials['username'], $this->params->get('search_string')));"
this line produce nothing. function siple_seach nothing load search string arry, expects ';' , sure not find in string [dn looks 'dc=name,dc=company,dc=com']
"$success = $ldap->bind($binddata[0]['dn'],$credentials['password'],1);"
there nothing $binddata[0]['dn']. $binddata[0]['dn'] empty if not never find inside ['dn'].
what '1'?
you know what?
how ask question makes big difference in whether take time answer.
read post , say, if volunteer, contributing sme of saturday afternoon, have interest @ in helping person?
how ask question makes big difference in whether take time answer.
read post , say, if volunteer, contributing sme of saturday afternoon, have interest @ in helping person?
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