PHP converted to CF

i trying convert php coldfusion, not sure of doing... ^ operator.  super awesome




$account_key = "whoisit28";
$api_key = "12345";

$salted = $api_key . $account_key;
$hash = hash('sha1',$salted,true);
$saltedhash = substr($hash,0,16);
$iv = "openssl ruby";

$user_data = array(
  "guid" => "1234",
  "expires" => "2009-05-29 20:02:40",
  "display_name" => "richard white",
  "email" => "",
  "url" => "",
  "avatar_url" => ""

$data = json_encode($user_data);

// double xor first block
for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++)
$data[$i] = $data[$i] ^ $iv[$i];

$pad = 16 - (strlen($data) % 16);
$data = $data . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad);
$cipher = mcrypt_module_open(mcrypt_rijndael_128,'','cbc','');
mcrypt_generic_init($cipher, $saltedhash, $iv);
$encrypteddata = mcrypt_generic($cipher,$data);

$encrypteddata = urlencode(base64_encode($encrypteddata));



my cf far:


            account_key = "whoisit28";
            api_key = "12345";
            salted = api_key & account_key;
            hashed = tobase64(hash(salted,'sha'));
            saltedhash = left(hashed,16);
            iv = "openssl ruby";
            /*iv = arraynew(1);
            for(i=1; lte len(iv_list);i++){
                iv[i] = mid(iv_list,i,1);
            expires = dateadd("h",1,now());
            expires = dateformat(expires,"yyyy-mm-dd") &" "& timeformat(expires,"hh:mm:ss");


        <cfquery name="user" datasource="datasource">
            select contactid guid, '#expires#' expires, firstname + ' ' + lastname display_name, email, '' url, '' avatar_url
            contactid = #contactid#
        <cfset data = serializejson(user)>
            for(i=1; lte 16; i++){
                tmp1 = mid(iv,i,1);
                tmp2 = mid(data,i,1);

the code seem encrypt json data aes (formerly known as

rijndael). ^ operator bit-wise operator , what

the comment above says: xor.



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