how to make a perspective matrix work

i'm trying head around 3d graphics, ran trouble.


i have number of points make cube. simple.


i use orthographic projection matrix display it.


but when try apply perspective projection matrix looks cube. i've tried multiple ways work still doesn't.


you can download source code here:


it written in actionscript 3.0. code basic , straight forward don't think it's problem if not familiar actionscript.


by commenting uncommenting following lines (in can switch between orthographic projection , perspective projection matrix. can see when using orthographic projection matrix works fine. perspective doesn't.


// ortographic , perspective
// mp = mpers.multiplymatrix(morto);


// ortographic
mp = morto;


any on why perspective matrix isn't working appreciated.


the perspective matrix looks this. in column major order:


n near plane , f far plane.


ma[0] = n;
ma[5] = n;
ma[10] = n+f;
ma[11] = 1;
ma[14] = -(f*n);
ma[15] = 0;



this thread writting in website since left unanswered


/ magnus

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