[svn:fx-trunk] 7119: RichEditableText now exposes non-inheriting backgroundColor and backgroundAlpha styles for drawing a background within the entire bounding rectangle of the component .

revision: 7119

author:   gosmith@adobe.com

date:     2009-05-19 23:23:33 -0700 (tue, 19 may 2009)


log message:


richeditabletext exposes non-inheriting backgroundcolor , backgroundalpha styles drawing background within entire bounding rectangle of component. we're adding because tlf supports backgroundcolor , backgroundalpha on pieces of text.


qe notes: none

doc notes: none

bugs: part of sdk-19818

reviewer: carol


ticket links:




modified paths:



    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/flex4/src/spark/primitives/supportclasses/richeditable textcontainermanager.as

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