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Thread: Needing help setting up mpd + sonata


want use mpd , sonata listen music, music on external hard drive , having issues working out should putting in mpd.conf under "music directory".

music folder called music , put directory "/media/music"

there else should put in front of or there walk through set up.

sorry sound dumb cant work out.

if want make things easy yourself, let mpd run it's own user (that's definition of "daemon" in "music player daemon").

..and work, you'll want stick using mpd's default directories. so, recommend instead of defining own music directory in mpd.conf, use symbolic link link music directory mpd's default directory. (you can link directory inside mpd's music dir, allows link audio files many locations , many users...)

sudo ln -s /media/music /var/lib/mpd/music
mpd really, easy setup, of settings in configuration file work out-of-the-box. don't need change there, apart possibly editing sound output settings , characterset used fit system.

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