Issues customizing browser pop-up windows in Flash...

hi everyone!  completed tutorial on adobe's web site on how create pop-up browser windows through flash using geturl/navigatetourl javascript method.  tutorial works great, however, there few tweaks i'd make, , i'm sure not sure how go doing them....  tutorial shows how make pop without scrollbars or toolbar, i'd location bar, menubar, , status bar disappear well.


here's tutorial's original code button:

on (release) {

    geturl("javascript:opennewwindow('','thewin','height=400,width=400,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes') ");



here's code button:

on (release) {
    geturl("javascript:opennewwindow('','thewin','height=400,width=400,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=n o,status=no,scrollbars=no') ");


for whatever reason, properties set (location, menubar, status) don't work... still show despite setting visibility no.   altered code on corresponding html page well, doesn't fix problem either... it's below if helps.




<script language=javascript>
function opennewwindow(urltoopen, windowname, windowfeatures) {, windowname, windowfeatures);


<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<!-- url's used in movie-->
<a href=javascript:opennewwindow('','thewin','height=400,width=400,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=n o,status=no,scrollbars=no') ></a> <!-- text used in movie-->
<!--this button opens new window method: geturl:"javascript" --><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
width=400 height=250>
<param name=movie value="geturl_javascript2.swf"> <param name=quality value=high> <param name=bgcolor value=#ffffff> <embed src="geturl_javascript2.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#ffffff  width=400 height=250 type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed>



does happen know i'm doing wrong?  i'd horizontally center pop window if it's possible....  suggestions helpful!


thank you,


i don't see problem code.


but know not every browser lets (the popup creator) control aspects of browser unless user has settings allow control them.  so, example, fact have browser continues show location field in popup not surprising.

More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2



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