Tagging a PDF w/ Metadata from another source.

hello everyone,


while unclear if particular question belongs in forum going give shot.



i using abode professional 8.1.3 (assumed), , have cs3 installed upon computer. pdf's produced using esri product - arcmap 9.3.


i have hunderds of pdf's need print out sets on regular basis. instead of organizing them individual folders i'd rather able print or locate group of pdf's based on tag or maybe metadata key word.


so here situation/example, have 300 pdf's contain maps of communties within county in united states.


  • each pdf numbered , named specific standard maps_firm_106, 108, 109 etc...
  • i have table specifies communties acutally shown on each pdf. table list part of pdf name , contains name of towns (town a, town b, town c)
  • if map/pdf has town , town b, table list both.  if shows stuff in town a, mention one.
  • is there way embed metadata keyword tag based on excel table, database or else?
  • thus when search folder metadata, know pdfs contain each community , select pdf want print.


would possible or more complicated @ point? while can fill out data before exported pdf (we using esri product - arcmap produce maps), haven't had time develop program/script etc...


if i've posted in wrong forum make suggestion 1 best place.



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