Motor and proximity sensors - continue for 1 second after sensor is tripped
hi all,
i have posted project before , i'm in final stages here. (hopefully) last problem 1 hope simple fix i'll wait see advice may have. in project i'm using arduino mega, wifi shield, , motor controller board large dc motor open , close gate. motor cycles between 2 proximity sensors tell when gate open or closed. i'm trying add code motor continue turning 1 second after closing proximity sensor triggered ensure gate shut tightly. i've tried few different delay functions it's bit tricky because long proximity sensor still reading low, keeps looping , motor never stops, causing bear down super tight , try break itself. or stops reads proximity sensor. advice?
i have posted project before , i'm in final stages here. (hopefully) last problem 1 hope simple fix i'll wait see advice may have. in project i'm using arduino mega, wifi shield, , motor controller board large dc motor open , close gate. motor cycles between 2 proximity sensors tell when gate open or closed. i'm trying add code motor continue turning 1 second after closing proximity sensor triggered ensure gate shut tightly. i've tried few different delay functions it's bit tricky because long proximity sensor still reading low, keeps looping , motor never stops, causing bear down super tight , try break itself. or stops reads proximity sensor. advice?
code: [select]
#include <spi.h>
#include <wifi.h>
const int dir = 35;
const int pwm = 34;
const int proxypin = 40;
const int proxypin2 = 41;
char ssid[] = ""; // ssid
char pass[] = ""; // password
int keyindex = 0;
int proxystate = 0;
int proxystate2 = 0;
int status = wl_idle_status;
wifiserver server(80);
void setup() {
////////////////////////////// hardware i/o /////////////////////////////////
pinmode(pwm, output);
pinmode(dir, output);
pinmode(proxypin, input);
pinmode(proxypin2, input);
////////////////////////////////// wifi startup /////////////////////////////////
// check presence of shield:
if (wifi.status() == wl_no_shield) {
serial.println("wifi shield not present");
while (true); // don't continue
string fv = wifi.firmwareversion();
if (fv != "1.1.0") {
serial.println("please upgrade firmware");
// attempt connect wifi network:
while (status != wl_connected) {
serial.print("attempting connect network named: ");
serial.println(ssid); // print network name (ssid);
// connect wpa/wpa2 network. change line if using open or wep network:
status = wifi.begin(ssid, pass);
// wait 10 seconds connection:
void loop() {
/////////////////////////////////// wifi loop ////////////////////////////////////
wificlient client = server.available(); // listen incoming clients
if (client) { // if client,
serial.println("new client"); // print message out serial port
string currentline = ""; // make string hold incoming data client
while (client.connected()) { // loop while client's connected
if (client.available()) { // if there's bytes read client,
char c =; // read byte, then
serial.write(c); // print out serial monitor
if (c == '\n') { // if byte newline character
//////////////////////////////// interface design /////////////////////////////////////
if (currentline.length() == 0) {
// http headers start response code (e.g. http/1.1 200 ok)
// , content-type client knows what's coming, blank line:
client.println("http/1.1 200 ok");
client.print("autovalve control page");
client.print("<div style='font-size:60px'>");
client.print("<center> autovalve control page </center>");
// content of http response follows header:
client.print("<div style='font-size:60px'>");
client.print("<center> <a href=\"/open\">open</a> </center>");
client.print("<center> <a href=\"/close\">close</a> </center>");
if (proxystate == low){
client.print("<div style='font-size:45px'>");
client.print("<center> current position: closed </center>");
if (proxystate2 == low){
client.print("<div style='font-size:45px'>");
client.print("<center> current position: open </center>");
// http response ends blank line:
// break out of while loop:
} else { // if got newline, clear currentline:
currentline = "";
} else if (c != '\r') { // if got else carriage return character,
currentline += c; // add end of currentline
///////////////hardware control loop//////////////////////////
digitalwrite(pwm, low);
proxystate = digitalread(proxypin);
proxystate2 = digitalread(proxypin2);
if (currentline.endswith("get /open") && (proxystate == low)) {
digitalwrite(pwm, high); //turn motor on
digitalwrite(dir, high); //in opening direction
while(digitalread(proxypin2) == high){ //as long proxy2 not triggered
digitalwrite(pwm, high); //keep motor on
digitalwrite(dir, high); //in opening direction
if(proxystate2 == low){
digitalwrite(pwm, low); //when proxy2 triggered, turn motor off
if (currentline.endswith("get /close") && (proxystate2 == low)) {
digitalwrite(pwm, high); //turn motor on
digitalwrite(dir, low); //in closing direction
while(digitalread(proxypin) == high){ //as long proxy1 not triggered
digitalwrite(pwm, high); //keep motor on
digitalwrite(dir, low); //in closing direction
if(proxystate == low){ //***continue 1 second after proxypin reads low
digitalwrite(pwm, low); //***not working***
///////////////////////////////////// wifi close loop //////////////////////////////////
// close connection:
serial.println("client disonnected");
void printwifistatus() {
// print ssid of network you're attached to:
serial.print("ssid: ");
// print wifi shield's ip address:
ipaddress ip = wifi.localip();
serial.print("ip address: ");
// print received signal strength:
long rssi = wifi.rssi();
serial.print("signal strength (rssi):");
serial.println(" dbm");
// print go in browser:
serial.print("to see page in action, open browser http://");
i've tried delay function it's bit tricky because long proximity sensor still reading low, keeps looping , motor never stops, causing bear down super tight , try break itself.try statement again without using "it". have no idea "it" refers to.
code: [select]
const int proxypin = 40;
const int proxypin2 = 41;
so, have 2 proximity sensors numbered uh-huh , two. why? 1 , 2 make more sense.
code: [select]
digitalwrite(pwm, low); //***not working***
it working. next iteration of loop() find proximity sensor low, because gate closed, try run motor more.
you need variable keep track of state of gate - open, opening, closed, closing, etc. when gate closing, , proximity sensor becomes low, run motor 1 second longer, shut off , set state closed.
if gate closed, don't try close more.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Motor and proximity sensors - continue for 1 second after sensor is tripped
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