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Thread: Method to insert standard text


possible set ubuntu insert text, email address, document or web page form when key combination pressed?

have managed set start menu open particular files , imagine shortcut send text application has focus, oo document, web page etc should straight forward once know use.

guess looking put email address “ether” either on clipboard or in script run @ startup (a command?) prepare text (whatever might be) ready insertion , key combination insert @ appropriate time.

should of course expandable include several email addresses (mine , acquaintances) , standard phases (such as: have booked following can collect @ convenience) or indeed complete email addresses inserted.

hoping much?

or hints appreciated.



sorry replying own request think may have hit on simple solution (as yet untested) , clipboard called "glipper" added synaptic package manager. program did not appear on menu discovered can added top panel (or panel matter) right clicking , adding.

off see if can want.

add update when have had chance test functionality.


Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Method to insert standard text



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