background images with spry "horizontal menu"

hi again

i trying work spry: "horizontal menu"

i want put background images menu bar not submenu

and problem: background images appears overall

what can ?


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>unbenanntes dokument</title>

<script src="spryassets/sprymenubar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<link href="spryassets/sprymenubarhorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<style type="text/css">


#container {

     margin-right: auto;

     margin-left: auto;

     width: 400px;







<div id="container">raum für den inhalt von  id "container"

<ul id="menubar1" class="menubarhorizontal">

  <li><a href="#">element 1</a>  </li>

<li><a class="menubaritemsubmenu" href="#">element 3</a>


      <li><a href="#" class="menubarhorizontal">heija</a>      </li>

      <li><a href="#">soso</a></li>



  <li><a href="#">element 4</a></li>


<p>  </p>

<p> </p>

<p> </p>

<p> </p>


<script type="text/javascript">


var menubar1 = new spry.widget.menubar("menubar1", {imgdown:"spryassets/sprymenubardownhover.gif", imgright:"spryassets/sprymenubarrighthover.gif"});





and css



     margin: 0;

     padding: 0;

     list-style-type: none;

     font-size: 100%;

     cursor: default;

     width: auto;


/* set active menu bar class, setting z-index accomodate ie rendering bug: */



     z-index: 1000;


/* menu item containers, position children relative container , fixed width */

ul.menubarhorizontal li


     margin: 0;

     padding: 0;

     list-style-type: none;

     font-size: 100%;

     position: relative;

     text-align: center;

     cursor: pointer;

     width: 100px;

     float: left;

     height: 10px;


/* submenus should appear below parent (top: 0) higher z-index, off left side of screen (-1000em) */

ul.menubarhorizontal ul


     margin: 0;

     padding: 0;

     list-style-type: none;

     font-size: 100%;

     z-index: 1020;

     cursor: default;

     width: 100px;

     position: absolute;

     left: -1000em;


/* submenu showing class designation menubarsubmenuvisible, set left auto comes onto screen below parent menu item */

ul.menubarhorizontal ul.menubarsubmenuvisible


     left: auto;


/* menu item containers same fixed width parent */

ul.menubarhorizontal ul li


     width: 100px;

     height: 30px;


/* submenus should appear overlapping right (95%) , (-5%) */

ul.menubarhorizontal ul ul


     position: absolute;

     margin: -5% 0 0 95%;


/* submenu showing class designation menubarsubmenuvisible, set left 0 comes onto screen */

ul.menubarhorizontal ul.menubarsubmenuvisible ul.menubarsubmenuvisible


     left: auto;

     top: 0;





design information: describes color scheme, borders, fonts




/* submenu containers have borders on sides */

ul.menubarhorizontal ul


     border: 1px solid #ccc;


/* menu items light gray block padding , no text decoration */

ul.menubarhorizontal a


     display: block;

     cursor: pointer;

     background-color: #fef3e4;

     padding: 0.5em 0.75em;

     color: #fff;

     text-decoration: none;

     background-repeat: no-repeat;

     background-image: url(../rot.jpg);


/* menu items have mouse on or focus have blue background , white text */

ul.menubarhorizontal a:hover, ul.menubarhorizontal a:focus


     color: #ff0;


/* menu items open submenus set menubaritemhover blue background , white text */

ul.menubarhorizontal a.menubaritemhover, ul.menubarhorizontal a.menubaritemsubmenuhover, ul.menubarhorizontal a.menubarsubmenuvisible


     background-color: #fef3e4;

     color: #ff0;

     background-image: url(../rot.jpg);





submenu indication: styles if there submenu under given menu item




/* menu items have submenu have class designation menubaritemsubmenu , set use background image positioned on far left (95%) , centered vertically (50%) */

ul.menubarhorizontal a.menubaritemsubmenu


     background-color: #fef3e4;


/* menu items have submenu have class designation menubaritemsubmenu , set use background image positioned on far left (95%) , centered vertically (50%) */

ul.menubarhorizontal ul a.menubaritemsubmenu


     background-color: #0f9;


/* menu items open submenus have class designation menubaritemsubmenuhover , set use "hover" background image positioned on far left (95%) , centered vertically (50%) */

ul.menubarhorizontal a.menubaritemsubmenuhover


     background-color: #fef3e4;

     color: #ff0;


/* menu items open submenus have class designation menubaritemsubmenuhover , set use "hover" background image positioned on far left (95%) , centered vertically (50%) */

ul.menubarhorizontal ul a.menubaritemsubmenuhover


     background-color: #f99;





browser hacks: hacks below should not changed unless expert




/* hack ie: make sure sub menus show above form controls, underlay each submenu iframe */

ul.menubarhorizontal iframe


     position: absolute;

     z-index: 1010;



/* hack ie: stabilize appearance of menu items; slash in float keep ie 5.0 parsing */

@media screen, projection


     ul.menubarhorizontal li.menubaritemie


          display: inline;

          f\loat: left;

          background: #fff;



i'm not awfully familar spry css try giving top-level anchor class below (class="menubarbg")


<ul id="menubar1" class="menubarhorizontal">

  <li><a href="#" class="menubarbg">element 1</a>  </li>



then add new css selector existing css styles:


#menubar1 .menubarbg {

background-image: url(menubarbg.gif);

background-repeat: no-repeat;




might work, css spry menus bit overly complex in view. no new css needs go in , alter it.


pile of old donkies pooh, nothing new there adobe. expect company has little repect custommers, isn't it.

More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum



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