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Thread: Deleting old kernels

everywhere search--and i've looked long , hard--the method freeing space deleting old kernels made sound simple: go synaptic, select outdated kernels, mark complete removal, , apply. easy.

but . . . when mark particular kernel removal, synaptic wants remove lot of other things, of not bear version numbers , seem generic. am, put mildly, leery of telling go ahead, lest end losing things should have kept , having dead or @ least crippled box.

say, example, mark complete removal line linux-image-2.6.22-15-generic; when go apply 1 deletion, laundry list of to-die files includes:

  • linux-generic
  • linux-image-generic
  • linux-restricted-modules-generic
  • linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-27-generic
  • linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-27-generic
  • linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-15-generic
  • linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-15-generic

2 of want gone; if -27s fragments of new kernel didn't install, rest?

oh, , failed install left me 3 broken dependencies:

  • linux-image-generic
  • linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-7-generic
  • linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-7-generic

running @ present 8.04 kernel 2.6.24-26-generic , date except latest kernel (which has no room go in).

help, please?

oh you've misunderstood friend.
synaptic package manager. kernel link (if can call that) use access ubuntu grub.
new kernel after each system update, if new update has bug or giving problems can use old kernel exclude new updated packages.
if want remove kernels must use grub editor.
don't remove kernel until you're 100 % sure newest update didn't give problems.
can restore grub using startup manager.
now, when comes free space, ubuntu delete every unnecessary data on every 30th (or whatever is) time start ubuntu.
can use recovery mode free space.
, also, remember clean browser history.
hope helped you.

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