some help needed with the TinyGPS library
hello -
i trying use of functions written in tinygps.h find heading, need on how call function. know if have define "currentcourse" string or float? right have float.
here's function trying call library:
const char *tinygps::cardinal (float course)
static const char* directions[] = {"n", "nne", "ne", "ene", "e", "ese", "se", "sse", "s", "ssw", "sw", "wsw", "w", "wnw", "nw", "nnw"};
int direction = (int)((course + 11.25f) / 22.5f);
return directions[direction % 16];
and code below, see function:void processgps()
also i'm getting error function saying "expected primary-expression before '==' token" --
i have long code attached , posted below. , guidance appreciated new arduino. if there's else find in code, can enhance or modify make better, please let me know. thanks!
i trying use of functions written in tinygps.h find heading, need on how call function. know if have define "currentcourse" string or float? right have float.
here's function trying call library:
const char *tinygps::cardinal (float course)
static const char* directions[] = {"n", "nne", "ne", "ene", "e", "ese", "se", "sse", "s", "ssw", "sw", "wsw", "w", "wnw", "nw", "nnw"};
int direction = (int)((course + 11.25f) / 22.5f);
return directions[direction % 16];
and code below, see function:void processgps()
also i'm getting error function saying "expected primary-expression before '==' token" --
i have long code attached , posted below. , guidance appreciated new arduino. if there's else find in code, can enhance or modify make better, please let me know. thanks!
code: [select]
/* dieudonné kaswa
* goal of project similate self-driving car.
* */
* hc-sr04 ping distance sensor:
* vcc arduino 5v
* gnd arduino gnd
* trig arduino: right - pin13, ctr - pin11, left - pin9
* echo arduino: right - pin 12, ctr - pin10, left - pin8
* ublox - neo6m gps receiver
* vcc arduino 5v
* gnd arduino gnd
* transmit signal on pin 4 arduino
* receive signal on pin 3 arduino
// gps library , software serial
#include <softwareserial.h>
#include <tinygps.h>
// setting serial port , gps module
softwareserial gpsserial(4,3); //rx,tx
tinygps gps; // creates gps object
// digital compass library & variables
#include <wire.h>
#include <adafruit_sensor.h>
#include <adafruit_lsm303_u.h>
#include <waypointclass.h>
// pin assignments
#define trigleft 9 // trigger left sensor
#define trigctr 11 // trigger center sensor
#define trigright 13 // trigger right sensor
#define echoleft 8 // echo left sensor
#define echoctr 10 // echo center sensor
#define echoright 12 // echo right sensor
#define front1 a0 // motor 1, out 1
#define front2 a1 // motor 1, out 2
#define rear1 a2 // motor 2, out 3
#define rear2 a3 // motor 2, out 4
#define loaden a4 // enable sig solenoid on a5
#define loaddrop a5 // solenoid, out 4
#define greenled 7 // green led
#define redled 2 // red led
#define ena 6 // enable sig mot1 pwm, black wire
#define enb 5 // enable sig mot2 pwm, brown wire
#define gpstx 4 // transmit signal pin, purple wire gps --> yellow wire arduino
#define gpsrx 3 // receive signal pin, blue wire
#define headingtol 10 // tolerance +/- (in degrees) within don't attempt turn intercept targetheading
/* waypoints */
#define waypoint_dist_tolerance 1 // tolerance in meters waypoint; once within tolerance, advance next waypoint
#define number_waypoints 3 // enter number of way points here (will run 0 (n-1))
// values initialization
/* motor speed variables */
int slowsp = 190; // rear motor slow spin speed
int maxrsp = 210; // rear motor max spin speed
int maxfsp = 250; // front motor max turn angle
/* ping sensor variables */
long duration; // duration used calculate distance ping sensor
int distance, distlft, distrgt; // distance center ping sensor
/* compass variables */
int targetheading; // face reach destination
int currentheading; // facing
int headingerror; // signed (+/-) degrees difference between targetheading , currentheading
/* gps variables */
float currentcourse;
string latitude;
string longitude;
float currentlat,
int distancetotarget, // current distance target (current waypoint)
originaldistancetotarget; // distance original waypoing when started navigating it
int waypointnumber = -1; // current waypoint number; run 0 (number_waypoints -1); start @ -1 , gets
// initialized during setup()
waypointclass waypointlist[number_waypoints] = {
waypointclass(30.508496, -97.832872), // paul's douse
waypointclass(30.508419, -97.832757), // our house
waypointclass(30.508296, -97.832618), // ron's house
adafruit_lsm303_mag_unified mag = adafruit_lsm303_mag_unified(12345);
// code begins
void setup()
serial.begin(115200); // connect serial
gpsserial.begin(9600); // connect gps sensor
//compass setup
serial.println("magnetometer test"); serial.println("");
// initialise magnetometer sensor
// there problem detecting lsm303 ... check connections
serial.println("ooops, no lsm303 detected ... check wiring!");
void loop() // main program loop
calcdesiredturn(); // calculate how optimatally turn, without regard obstacles
delay (2000);
delay (2000);
void gpsloop()
while(gpsserial.available()) // check gps data
if(gps.encode( // encode gps data
gps.f_get_position(&lat,&lon); // latitude , longitude
// gps.cardinal(course); // tested
// display position in serial window
processgps(); // process data gathered gps
// navigate
currentheading = readcompass(); // our current heading
// called after new gps data received; updates our position , course/distance waypoint
void processgps()
currentlat = convertdegmintodecdeg(lat);
currentlong = convertdegmintodecdeg(lon);
if (gps.cardinal(currentcourse)) == 's') // make them signed
currentlat = -currentlat;
if (gps.cardinal(currentcourse)) == 'w') // make them signed
currentlong = -currentlong;
// update course , distance waypoint based on our new position
gps.distance_between(currentlat, currentlong, targetlat, targetlong);
gps.course_to(currentlat, currentlong, targetlat, targetlong);
} // end of processgps(void)
int readcompass(void)
/* new sensor event */
sensors_event_t event;
float pi = 3.14159;
// calculate angle of vector y,x
float heading = (atan2(event.magnetic.y,event.magnetic.x) * 180) / pi;
// normalize 0-360
if (heading < 0)
heading = 360 + heading;
//serial.print("compass heading: ");
} // end of readcompass()
// way turn car , face destination?
void calcdesiredturn(void)
// calculate need turn head destination
headingerror = targetheading - currentheading; // signed (+/-) diff btw targetheading , currentheading
// adjust compass wrap
if (headingerror < -180)
headingerror += 360;
if (headingerror > 180)
headingerror -= 360;
// calculate way turn intercept targetheading
if (abs(headingerror) <= headingtol) // if within tolerance of +/- 10
serial.println("no turns");
else if (headingerror < 0)
else if (headingerror > 0)
serial.println("no turns");
} // end of calcdesiredturn()
// had chop of code make fit here within limits
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using code tags , other important information explained in how use forum post. please read it.
when have error message need full thing, not fragment think might relevant. please use code tags when posting error/warning messages also.
count parentheses.code: [select]if (gps.cardinal(currentcourse)) == 's') // make them signed
since you're "fairly new" recommend use braces ({}) enclose code controlled if statements, if there 1 line. makes easier understand intent of code , avoids tricky bugs.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > some help needed with the TinyGPS library
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