[9366] Discussion, lack of configurable base URL. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

discussion tracker artifact 9366 http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=trackeritemedit&tracker_item_id=9366

a few points:
i mentioned request_uri because, using apache, joomla uses generate base uri.  if set sugested, may remove part of path part of urls joomla generates.

a note on artifcat priority. can read definitions of priority @ http://groups.google.com/group/joomla-devel/web/artefact-priorities

i classified issue "normal priority" because it's defined as
issues hindering advertised behaviour application still workable.  examples include parameters not working advertised, language files not loading expected, etc.

this similar problem reverse proxy issue.

personally, think easiest solution add "advanced" tab global configuration, add new variable "fixed live site url" , juri::base() looks @ first.  think easiest way knock these issues on head.

what think?


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