Automatically change all number by some factor



i've been trying make javascript cs3 can in following situation:

all figure numbers must chnage "+1". example "fig 2" changes "fig 3".


1) there way using grep?


2) thought there isn't, tried script, got stuck no results. guys know of existing script on subject? otherwise, can tell me did go wrong?


thanks lot,




mydoc = app.activedocument;

app.findgreppreferences = nothingenum.nothing;
app.changegreppreferences = nothingenum.nothing;
app.findgreppreferences.findwhat = "fig \\d+";
app.findchangegrepoptions.includefootnotes = true;
app.findchangegrepoptions.includehiddenlayers = false;
app.findchangegrepoptions.includelockedlayersforfind = false;
app.findchangegrepoptions.includelockedstoriesforfind = false;
app.findchangegrepoptions.includemasterpages = false;

var myfounditems = mydoc.findgrep();
var mydoneitems = [];

fig = "fig "

for (i=myfounditems.length; i>0; i--)
string = myfounditems[i].contents;
if (string
num = string.slice(5, string.length);
newnum = num*1;
newnum = newnum-1;
newnum = newnum+"";
newstring = fig+newnum;

app.findgreppreferences = nothingenum.nothing;
app.changegreppreferences = nothingenum.nothing;
app.findgreppreferences.findwhat = "fig "+string;
app.findgreppreferences.changeto = "fig "+newstring;


"ginm" -- grep not magic :-)


your script looks should work reason nothing cannot "insert" new string using grep. stating


myfounditems[i].contents = newstring;


should work. (i think could make work grep thing, it'd replace 'fig 2' 'fig 3' , 'fig 3' 'fig 4'.)

perhaps should test line


num = string.slice(5, string.length);

as -- js starts counting @ 0, number after "fig " starts @ position 4. i'm not sure slice command think got wrong.

More discussions in InDesign Scripting



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