Search Text Include Folder Names

it appears when create filter searching specific text, text values of underlying folders images in not being considered.  instance if folder structure yyyy\event\eventsub1\eventsub2 , wanted search images involved eventsub1 or event on multiple years, doesn't seem consider folder name searchable filter function.


because had prior structure before moving on lr (starting beta) have been reluctant eliminate structure altogether , rely solely on keywords easy find images when outside of lr in familiar structure.  has led including "theme" keyword each image pretty eventsub2 subfolder, create keyword structure equal event\eventsub1 , drag new keyword under structure organization.  seems duplicative, , error prone.


so ... question, else able search images in folders names include text "xxxxxx"? 



it seems have worked me.  went photographs , entered name of folder.  me it's kind of difficult because have other tags same folder names, think test correct.


you might want consider using other metadata fields besides keywords.  use field job identifier identify pictures taken on trips or other identifiable groups of pictures (an example might france 2009).  same folder structure (or superset thereof, actually, because have subdirectories date) thought gives me 2 ways find things , if pictures out of file structure still have identifying information in metadata.  more commonly used tags title , caption.  different people use 1 or other primary "caption", depending on other tools use , flexibility, or lack thereof, leaves second 1 else.  also, there set of location fields fill in.  city, state, country obvious, other one, called location, can more general.  let gps program fill in change else.  example, somethingorother state park.



More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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