turning a button into a switch - beginner
i'm new arduino , trying finish project school. i'm using sound recording module, potentiometer , button 4 leds. sound module shows music levels thought leds, potentiometer increases brightness , button makes leds fade. when pressed should make them fade , when pressed again should go 'showing' music.
right turns leds on , off. also, components may 5v. leds blink rather staying on.
i've found tutorials , tried combine them i'm lost.
thank help!
i'm new arduino , trying finish project school. i'm using sound recording module, potentiometer , button 4 leds. sound module shows music levels thought leds, potentiometer increases brightness , button makes leds fade. when pressed should make them fade , when pressed again should go 'showing' music.
right turns leds on , off. also, components may 5v. leds blink rather staying on.
i've found tutorials , tried combine them i'm lost.
thank help!
code: [select]
int potpin= a0; //declare potpin analog pin a0
int ledpin1= 9; // declare ledpin arduino pin 9
int ledpin2= 10;
int ledpin3 = 11;
int ledpin4 = 5;
int button= 2;
boolean buttonstate= low;
boolean previousbuttonstate = low;
boolean ledon= false;
int sound = 13;
int soundvalue= 0;
int brightness = 0; // how bright led is
int fadeamount = 5; // how many points fade led by
int readvalue; // use variable read potentiometer
int writevalue; // use variable writing led
void setup() {
pinmode(potpin, input); //set potentiometer pin input
pinmode(ledpin1, output); //set ledpin output
pinmode(ledpin2, output); //set ledpin output
pinmode(ledpin3, output); //set ledpin output
pinmode(ledpin4, output); //set ledpin output
pinmode(button, input);
pinmode(sound, input);
serial.begin(9600); // turn on serial port
boolean debounce(boolean last) //
boolean current = digitalread(button);
if (last !=current)
{ delay(5);
current= digitalread(button);
return current;
void loop() {
soundvalue= digitalread(sound); //reads sound values , sends them leds
digitalwrite(ledpin1, soundvalue);
digitalwrite(ledpin2, soundvalue);
digitalwrite(ledpin3, soundvalue);
digitalwrite(ledpin4, soundvalue);
serial.print("value of sound module:");
readvalue = analogread(potpin); //read voltage on potentiometer
writevalue = (20./1023.) * readvalue; //calculate write value led
analogwrite(ledpin1, writevalue); //write led
analogwrite(ledpin2, writevalue); //write led
analogwrite(ledpin3, writevalue); //write led
analogwrite(ledpin4, writevalue); //write led
serial.print("potentiometer's value: "); //for debugging print values
if (previousbuttonstate == low && buttonstate == high) { //when button pressed first, leds start fade until button pressed again
ledon= !ledon;
digitalwrite(ledpin1, brightness);
digitalwrite(ledpin2, brightness);
digitalwrite(ledpin3, brightness);
digitalwrite(ledpin4, brightness);
brightness = brightness + fadeamount; //the fade example basics arduino
if (brightness <= 0 || brightness >= 255) {
fadeamount = -fadeamount;
previousbuttonstate= buttonstate;
digitalwrite(ledpin1, ledon);
digitalwrite(ledpin2, ledon);
digitalwrite(ledpin3, ledon);
digitalwrite(ledpin4, ledon);
the thing gotta understand of stuff in loop going happen on course of few hundred microseconds , end on part writes 4 leds to ledon , wait 30 milliseconds , run through rest of again @ speed of light.
the part change whether ledon true or false based on button.
how button wired? aren't using internal pull-up resistors , seem expect read backwards , high when pressed. have external pull-down resistors? more common wire buttons between pin , ground read low when pressed , use built-in pull-up resistors don't need parts , buttons read right way round.
then need think structuring little. decide want have happen when , put code logical order.
the part change whether ledon true or false based on button.
how button wired? aren't using internal pull-up resistors , seem expect read backwards , high when pressed. have external pull-down resistors? more common wire buttons between pin , ground read low when pressed , use built-in pull-up resistors don't need parts , buttons read right way round.
then need think structuring little. decide want have happen when , put code logical order.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > turning a button into a switch - beginner
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