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Thread: update hosed system :(

so morning forced learning.

details :

ive been using ubuntu month. had set log me in automatically on startup (not root user jason). never asked me password on logging in.

morning start computer , ubuntu splash screen box list of users in it. nothing put in works : ubuntu/ubuntu or jason/********** or leaving blank.

mystery 2) prior behavior (and again, morning) got "ubuntu running in low-graphics mode" error. list of radio buttons offered, , have followed each far go, no avail. believe has nvidia drivers.

have held down shift while booting , have few options there still exploring.

can shell prompt no guru on fixing things there. interestingly, username / pass jason/********** works there.



sudo /etc/x11/x

how... why... have no clue.

prompted me try that? researching x windows system, looking @ /etc/x11/xorg.conf , seeing x in folder, running out of curiosity , restarting when screen turned black.

/scared restart

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