What does an RC transmitter send?

i have been working on quadcopter trial , error has been inefficient best friend...
so code's first version retarded, , haven't updated recently. plan within month. see here

anyway, curious -- transmitter send rx? better understanding of quadcopters in hobby (not expert or or whatever), assume pwm microsecond values escs write. then, per sent, sort of identifier separates value roll or yaw intended command done.

please correct me if i'm wrong

btw building pure scratch built quadcopter. own software, bought parts esc, motors,pdb... own frame...

anyway, curious -- transmitter send rx?
i believe modern 2.4ghz systems use nordic nrf24 modules (or cypress equivalents) knows transmitted. well know guy makes deltang devices knows spektrum (cypress modules) sending because units work spektrum  transmitters, won't say. presumably took him few days find out :)

however comes out of receiver must standard servo signals, either on separate lines, 1 each servo, or stream of interleaved pulses on single line.


Arduino Forum > General Category > General Discussion (Moderators: mbanzi, DojoDave, mellis) > What does an RC transmitter send?

