Cannot get IE8 and FlashPlayer10 to get along

while using internet explorer 6 never had issues flash player.  wasn't  aware there.  after installing new internet explorer 8 began  getting more computer freezes can ever remember having.  happened whenever came website wanted use flashplayer though installed.  had hit computer reset button many times.


with ie8 installed went through different instructions on adobe website.  downloaded uninstaller , tried no luck.  downloaded subinacl tool microsoft , file adobe , tried according instructions.  still no results.


i tried manually adjust registry permissions according technote tn_19148. no results


i removed ie8 , runs fine.  ie8.  ideas.


thanks,  steve

hi name’s feran , working internet explorer outreach team provide assistance folks internet explorer.

i recommend reinstalling flash. also, in ie8 go tools manage add-ons see if enabled or disabled.

let me know if works you,

More discussions in Using Flash Player

