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Thread: Hauppauge PVR Question


i have hauppauge wintv- pvr-150 card installed in ubuntu 9.10 system. input standard definition analog pal-i signal via co-ax set top box goes card’s tv tuner. displayed using vlc. problem picture quality noticeably worse taking composite signal directly tv. have tried select composite input on card using <v4l2-ctl –i n> command, vlc shoes blank screen possible composite inputs.

additional software has been installed includes ivtv packages available on synaptic v4l2ucp.


can tell me how composite input working on card? alternatively can recommend different device getting composite video ubuntu 9.10 offers quality? due limitations of local suppliers candidate manufacturers hauppauge, compro, gigabyte, asus, msi , leadtek

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] Hauppauge PVR Question

