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Thread: update error

no idea went wrong. computer apparently shutdown halfway through installing major system updates. booting terminal(gnome?), , displaying error messages:

1 or more of mounts listed in fstab cannot yet mounted:
(esc recovery shell)
/: waiting /dev/disk/by-uuid/[loooooong string of aplha-numeric(a/#) babble]
/tmp: waiting (null)
swap: waiting uuid-[another (diffrent-but-similar) string of a/# babble]

~~user input: esc (the phrase: '^] pops up)

mountall: canceled
init: mountall main process (1141) terminated status 1
general error mounting filesystems.
maintenance shell started.
control-d terminate shell , re-try
root@(none):~# sudo aptitude update
sudo: unable resolve host (none)
e: /root/.aptiture readable not writable; unable write configuration file.
w: not locking read lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
edpkg interrupted, must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' correct problem.
err karmic release.gpg
cound not resolve ''
~~ similar error repeats 4-5 times
w: not using locking read lock fire /var/lib/apt/lists/lock
w: not using locking read lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
e: dpkg interrupted, must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' correct problem
e: couln't rebuild package cache
w: not using locking read lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
e: dpkg interrupted, must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' correct problem

root@(none):~# sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo: unable resolve host (none)
dpkg: unable access dpkg status area: read-only file system
root@(none):~# login (correct user/pass)
--login successful
root@(none):~# sudo dpkg --configure -a
~~ same errors

soooo... i'm on head. tried chmod on 'lock' gethost (which turned out not installed.) nothing working yet. pleeeeeease tell me easy fix. i'm hardy n00b, i'm surprised got far. helps, have cookies!! (:: ) (:: )
(:: )

don't use sudo using root login shell.


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