Detecting Before and After Field Images

is there way within addt find value of screen fields prior update?  i've tried using custom trigger before , starter events; before late, field changed, starter early, field value null.


i don't believe using straight php option either because believe addt changes names of fields occurence purposes.


i produce detail log of fields change.  comparing them before , after seems way.



i've been having hard time trying understand exactly trying do. read post few times , caught line:


i produce detail log of fields change.


for go using update record sb combined insert 2 tables sb. update record of user , insert info second table, 'changed fields' table...


in 'changed fields' table insert logged in users id via session variable, timestamp, , whatever fields updated in update record sb form , there you'd have - record updated , detailed record of fields updated , when complete backlog users. query 'changed fields' table sorted user id , you'd see changed when.


hope helps!

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