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Thread: Installing Driver for Pluscom Fax Modem

i need dial-up data/fax modem , have obtained pluscom usb2.0 fax modem works under windows. need use ubuntu, 1 needs first download required linux driver. have done , unpacked deb package. when try install it unsuccessful , following message received:

gerald@gerald-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg -i dgcmodem_1.01_i386.deb
[sudo] password gerald:
(reading database ... 164262 files , directories installed.)
preparing replace dgcmodem 1.01 (using dgcmodem_1.01_i386.deb) ...
unpacking replacement dgcmodem ...
setting dgcmodem (1.01) ...
conexant dgc usb modem driver, version 1.01

if need assistance or more information, please go to:

when reporting problem first time, please send
us file generated "dgcconfig --dumpdiag".

no pre-built modules for: ubuntu-9.10 linux-2.6.31-19-generic i686-smp

trying automatically build driver modules...
(this requires c compiler , proper kernel sources installed)

where linux source build directory matches running kernel?

warning: missing file dgcconfig --dumpdiag/include/linux/autoconf.h
the cause of missing or unconfigured
kernel source tree (and incorrect directory or symbolic link).

first, ensure proper kernel source , compiler packages
from distribution vendor and/or community installed.

the linux kernel can reconfigured running "make menuconfig"
under kernel source directory (usually /usr/src/linux).

verify proper options system selected.

then compile , install new kernel (for more information
this procedure, see readme file under kernel source directory),
reboot system using new kernel, , re-run "dgcconfig".

newcomer ubuntu , appreciate please. have not contacted linuxant yet feel first problem lack of knowledge of linux not driver.

it looks need install build-essentials. search in either software center or synaptic package manager.

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