151 - Create a new Joomla! v 1.5 website for a not-for-profit organization. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

http://code.google.com/p/google-highly- ... ail?id=151

hey guys,

well, it's 2am , have got task! excited because firstly love helping out community, secondly this'll first full site developed in joomla 1.5 i've done.


create new joomla! v 1.5 website not-for-profit organization. this
could include place of worship, club, humanitarian or missionary
site, non-profit organization in community, or school. it
is preferred if site uses 3 sef url options , several
extensions created joomla! ghop contestants.

when site complete, prepare overview of website, sharing
lessons learned, site highlights, pictures of website, and
comments/quotes use , maintain site. this
overview can written or video based. should developed in such a
way used others considering if joomla! might meet their
needs similar site , purpose.

the contestant expected in close contact joomla! ghop
judges , community posting in joomla! forums every few days to
share project status information, request assistance, , share ideas with
others. important engage community , include appropriate
feedback project, well.

after joomla! ghop judge acknowledges have claimed task, please
read http://forum.joomla.org/index.php/topic,239201.0.html , respond in
the joomla! forums. first post should announce site be
built , confirmation joomla! v 1.5 site not available
for purpose.


    * install xampp , joomla! -
    * backup , restore database using phpmyadmin -
http://code.google.com/p/google-highly- ... tail?id=50
    * configuration sef urls -

skills needed:
    * communication skills talk use website
    * design , logic skills make end user requirements easy to
use site
    * creativity , problem solving skills


work product
    * functioning joomla! v 1.5 website, updated newest release (rc
or final) based on ending date, accessible on www licensing

    * code must created using gnu general public license version
2. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-license ... .html#sec4

documentation written task must made available under the
joomla! electronic documentation license.

extra credit

this task can done simply, limited functionality, or, the
developer can create functional environment of complexity. the
presentation of site in written or video form important part
of judging of task. depth of implementation extra
credit opportunity task.

time limit
4 weeks

i haven't got site make yet, posting around , find tomorrow. if have let me know.

i responded post in non-profit forum area might interesting. please take look , see think.

amy :)


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