i attempting convince boss replace mini pc mac, use creative suite, , tiny little box has lot of difficulty it, among other problems.
my concern created of our company forms using livecycle designer, , knowledge, program not available on mac.
is there program mac allow me edit these interactive forms in same manner livecycle designer? have been told acrobat alone capable of same types of edits, unsure of how it. i've gone through forms on acrobat , i've found not intuitive livecycle designer.
if tell me first, if acrobat capable of this, , second, might information on how it, appreciate it.
if acrobat isn't best program use, use instead? need able edit/create interactive pdf forms input fields, radio buttons, drop downs, etc, , able set rich text capable input fields well.
hi reformed pc user wants create interactive forms on mac using acrobat 9 pro. able find way this? think forms wizard method mac acrobat has insert fields of kind.
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