Uno Rev 3 programming system

so concept project have create weather box can read, , display, temp, humidity , air pressure of air around it. have of pieces believe have needed, including arduino uno rev 3 board, vellemen m103, m102, , m111 analog sensors, along arduino tft lcd screen.

now have limited time figure out how , make co-exist, have assembled pieces in proto-type physical wiring, , turn on. sensors , screen working off of board, have tackle programming.

now have no idea how program more basic plc ladder logic, im reaching out try , kind of programming these work , display.

any kind of amazing, thank taking time out read plight.

start example lcd. next work examples sensors. possibly fiddle bit of them understanding how work. once understand working of examples, write sketch integrates everything.

this section code have written not work or if need explanation e.g. example does.

there gigs & collaboration section can ask paid-for solutions if you're in hurry.

please provide links modules bought further @ least know.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Uno Rev 3 programming system



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