loop. Can I make assumptions about the order?

i've assumed can't make assumptions order in elements indexed loop.  not conventional indexed array.  (emphasis!: i'm not talking associative arrays here, i'm talking normal indexed arrays.  dense, no gaps.).


for each (var element:elementclass in myarray) {}


may not traverse array first last.  i've never assumed it's guaranteed anyway.  neither ecma standard.  assume compiler/runtime @ liberty index array in order, may different each time. 


whereas... (var i:int=0;i<myarray.length;i++) {......var element:elementclass=myarray[i]....} guaranteed traverse array first last.  use looping statement if ordering important.


my question is.... in actionscript 3, can assume traverse dense indexed array first last?


actually, specific case @ moment programmer passing me array,assembled within loop.   need assume order of array.  if going work in actionscript3, no problem.  although i'll continue worry ecma standard own code, , wont make assumptions ordering - won't force anal-retentive programming style on other guy.

yes, can assume order.

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