LED animation library with desktop app

pixelmaestro open-source library animating leds. it's designed easy use , scalable enough drive single strands large matrices.

features include:
  • non-blocking
  • support multiple independent outputs
  • 11 different animations customizable options including speed, orientation, , color scheme
  • ability layer, mix, , combine animations
  • support drawing shapes, text, , animated images
  • ability schedule events
  • companion gui creating presets , controlling devices on usb

the library doesn't control leds itself, meant complement libraries neopixel or fastled. push color values pixelmaestro led control library display output.

the companion gui (pixelmaestro studio) available linux , windows. can use test out library, mix own animations, save customizations file, , control devices on usb.

if want know more how works, can check out documentation, or ask , i'll glad answer.



desktop app

i can tell don't use arduino ide because not valid arduino library , not contain valid arduino sketches. if prefer platformio or visual studio or eclipse or whatever that's fine, understand, don't advertise arduino library unless can use arduino ide. i'm seeing lately.

please remove arduino topic repository doesn't waste time of people me spend time trying figure out why doesn't work arduino ide after finding in github search.

Arduino Forum > Community > Exhibition / Gallery > LED animation library with desktop app



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